Monday, July 16, 2007

How Many Ph.D. Professors Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?

Hopefully fewer than it takes to figure out how to make double-sided copies on the photocopy machine.

Seriously people. It took THREE---YES. T.H.R.E.E. (3)---Ph.D.s to finally figure out how to get the machine to make the copies.


I am in pain from laughing right now. I'm sure I'll be pissed in about 20 minutes when I discover that they actually broke the photocopier....


the nicole AMATO experience, now said...

dude the other day colleen heard a commotion behind her that sounded like someone broke something, but it was just one of her phd's opening a door.

Gina said...

LMFAO! The madness is spreading!

Anonymous said...

Happy Bunny rocks, by the way :D