Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Here She Is: Aubrey

Here are a couple pictures of my new little niece, Aubrey. She's so tiny and cute!

Look how itty bitty she looks next to my nephew, Ethan! He turned 13 on August 19th; just 2 days before Aubrey was born.

Now, my sister claims that she thinks Aubrey looks like me when I was a tiny baby. She asked me for a copy of my hospital baby picture. By the time I get around to finding and using a scanner, Aubrey would be about 11 years old. So I just took a picture of the picture and sent it to her. I also took a picture of a picture of me when I was about 3-4 months old. My mom had a bunch of pictures taken by a photographer. I actually won a baby contest with this photo! First and only time EVER that I would win a beauty contest, I can promise you that.

Anyway, you be the judge. Does Aubrey look like me?

I don't think so. Yeah, I used to be cute. I don't know what the hell happened....


the nicole AMATO experience, now said...


Katie J said...

I think she does look like you and I think you're still beautiful!

Unknown said...

Definitely, yes, I think Aubrey looks like you. I think you are both beautiful!

the nicole AMATO experience, now said...

someone i missed the whole question you asked. yes, she looks like you! and OMG look at you with your little fists under your chin...<3