Monday, March 05, 2012

I Was Beginning to Think It Was Me...

Several months ago I posted about the ridiculousness of handmade (sewn, crochet, or knitted) sanitary items for women. A few people commented on my post (which, thanks for actually reading and commenting) in a way which suggested that they thought I was being too harsh or at least unrealistic about such items.

For example, here's one comment:
Dana said...

Cloth pads are more comfortable, better for the environment, less expensive over time and as easy to launder as any other piece of clothing. Women survived periods long before commercial disposable products. Just Saying.

Well here's a post on Regretsy about crochet tampons that really captures what my beef is with these items.

Also, just because we survived for thousands of years without commercially made menstrual items doesn't mean we should keep using them now. Sure, we all survived without penicillin, electricity, education, or the right to vote too....

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